Security Cryptography Whatever

Security Cryptography Whatever

STIR/SHAKEN with Paul Grubbs and Josh Brown

STIR/SHAKEN with Paul Grubbs and Josh Brown

Cryptography Tier List

Cryptography Tier List

Post-Quantum iMessage with Douglas Stebila

Post-Quantum iMessage with Douglas Stebila

High-assurance Post-Quantum Crypto with Franziskus Kiefer and Karthik Bhargavan

High-assurance Post-Quantum Crypto with Franziskus Kiefer and Karthik Bhargavan

Encrypting Facebook Messenger with Jon Millican and Timothy Buck

Encrypting Facebook Messenger with Jon Millican and Timothy Buck

Attacking Lattice-based Cryptography with Martin Albrecht

Attacking Lattice-based Cryptography with Martin Albrecht

Signal's Post-Quantum PQXDH, Same-Origin Policy, E2EE in the Browser Revisited

Signal's Post-Quantum PQXDH, Same-Origin Policy, E2EE in the Browser Revisited

'Jerry Solinas deserves a raise' with Steve Weis

'Jerry Solinas deserves a raise' with Steve Weis